EasyGiftWizard for PC & MAC | "Hand Made GIFTS SO EASY ITS MAGICAL!"™
EasyGiftWizard for PC & MAC | "Hand Made GIFTS SO EASY ITS MAGICAL!"™
Begin with the Uke Bootcamp for the basics. ( Learn how to get it FREE!) After Bootcamp, you can choose to go in one of several directions and feel secure that you have the required skills. You could *Learn cords and songs on your own, *Take our SIMPLE Uke Course, *Take our Uke MASTER Course, or *Learn individual songs from our Library of song lessons.
Do you know of good ones not listed here? if so email me a link (UkeMaster@gmail.com)
Lessons to teach individual songs.
Here are samples of song lessons...
CLICK HERE for" Mary had a little lamb"
Everyone should start here regardless of your skill level. Here we discuss the foundational methods I wish I had learned fifty years ago when I first began playing the Uke and Guitar. begin here again, Like me, you too might find a new way to play! Remember it might be more difficult to break your OLD habits than if you were new to all of this.
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