EasyGiftWizard for PC & MAC | "Hand Made GIFTS SO EASY ITS MAGICAL!"™
EasyGiftWizard for PC & MAC | "Hand Made GIFTS SO EASY ITS MAGICAL!"™
First, take the Uke Bootcamp!
( Learn how to get it FREE!) Then, with that foundation you can choose to *Learn cords and songs on your own, *Take one of our Uke Courses, or *Learn individual songs from our Library of song lessons
Save your time and frustration of trying to figure out what to do each day and take one of our Courses.
Song Lessons Library; CLICK HERE
Self-Learning tools.
Everyone should start here regardless of your skill level. Here we discuss the foundational methods I wish I had learned fifty years ago when I first began playing the Uke and Guitar. begin here again, Like me, you too might find a new way to play! Remember it might be more difficult to break your OLD habits than if you were new to all of this.
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Here are some of my favorite Uke performances.
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